Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania
Wizara ya Kilimo

Programu zetu

Mkakati wa Kuendeleza Horticulture

Agricultural Sector Development Programme Phase II(ASDP II)

Progammes - https://asdp.pmo.go.tz

The government of Tanzania has finalized the formulation of Agriculture Sector Development Programme II (ASDP II). This is a ten-years programme that will be implemented in two (2) phases each divided into five-year implementation period. The First Phase will start in 2017/2018 – 2022/2023. The program is a follow up to the ASDP I implemented from 2006/2007 to 2013/2014.…


Progammes - https://agri-connect-tz.com/

AGRI-CONNECT is an EU-funded programme, contributing towards inclusive economic growth, promoting private sector development and job creation in the agricultural sector, and towards increasing food and nutrition security in Tanzania.AGRI-CONNECT Strategic Alignment Agriculture remains central to Tanzania’s industrialization drive as articulated in the Government’s…